In a coaching session, you will learn to develop solutions for your complex professional challenges, expand your own boundaries and develop a suitable perspective for yourself.
Our business coach, Thomas Röthemeier, is happy to support and challenge you in your professional and personal areas:
How will you perceive me as a coach?
As an interested sparring partner who accompanies you on your journey to jointly develop new perspectives for your issues. I also see myself as a benevolent and challenging feedback provider who supports you in uncovering blocking beliefs and replacing them with more appropriate (functional) ones. Above all, you will experience me as an encourager who spurs you on to (possibly redefine) your values, implement them in everyday life and thus tell a suitable story about your life. Clients I work with also appreciate my ability to reduce complexity, get to the heart of emerging issues, communicate appreciatively and think in a solution-oriented way.
My methodical approach and tools used (a selection)
Asking challenging and provocative questions is part of my basic coaching equipment. I also like to work with simulations (small role plays) to illustrate everyday situations in a practical way. Elements of systemic structural constellations complete my repertoire of methods, as well as working with the inner team, imagination exercises and the Enneagram personality model.
Why am I the right person for you as a designer and manager?
Because you have questions that go beyond "purely strategic" concerns and have a desire for lived integrity. I help the unlived side of you that is pushing out into the world to come to life in a kind of "midwife function".
"My motto: Gnothi seauton!
Know yourself - get in touch with your own truth to make your life freer and more productive."
Your contact person
Thomas Röthemeier will be happy to provide you with business coaching / mentoring at Wise Medicine in Winterthur.
Executive coach (Curriculum Coaching / Supervision DPA), mediator (Institut für Klärungshilfe), intercultural business trainer (Stoeger und Partner), TEMP consultant (holistic corporate management, Tempus/D - Giengen)