My conviction is that in order to be truly healthy, it is essential to see the person as a whole (spirit, soul, body). Pastoral care focuses on the soul and the spirit.

"But he himself, the God of peace, sanctify you wholly; and may your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
- The Bible, ELO, 1 Thessalonians 5:23

In my opinion, God created us humans as follows: Man is a spirit, has a soul (mind, feelings, will) and lives in a body. In pastoral care, I primarily look after your spirit and, of course, your soul (psyche), but without ignoring physical symptoms. Spirit, soul and body are very closely connected. If one part suffers, this always has an influence on the other areas. Physical complaints and illnesses very often have their origin on a spiritual and/or mental level. For example, worry and stress can lead to countless physical symptoms. Negative thought patterns can also make us physically ill. I have the necessary life experience, training and relationship with God to accompany you professionally and sensitively in your difficult and challenging life situation and/or illness. Sometimes it is already a great relief to tell someone everything that has been bothering and burdening you for so long. Sometimes, however, the path to freedom can take longer. I would like to encourage you to keep at it in any case. Together with God, we are happy to track down the causes of complaints and illness and strive for a path to holistic health.

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Your contact person

Pastoral counselling is offered to you at Wise Medicine in Winterthur by Gabriela Weik. She is happy to be there for you!