ADHD counselling
In ADHD counseling we support affected persons and their relatives.
ADHD means Attention Deficit Hyper/Hypo Activity Syndrome. At Wise Medicine, we have a variety of services available to you. Learn more:
„Dies muss ernst genommen werden!“
ADHS hat einen starken Einfluss im Leben von Betroffenen und deren Umfeld (Kindheit, Schule, Ausbildung, Beruf, Freizeit, Partner- & Elternschaft, …). Unterdessen ist unbestritten, dass nicht nur Kinder, sondern auch Erwachsene stark herausgefordert sein können mit den Symptomen eines ADHS. Dieses wächst sich oft nicht einfach aus. Zudem sind viel mehr Frauen als bisher angenommen von ADHS betroffen. Wenden Sie sich bei einer bestehenden ADHS-Diagnose oder einem begründeten Verdacht an uns - wir helfen gerne weiter. WICHTIG: Wir bieten keine ADHS-Diagnosestellung und auch keine Psychopharmaka-Therapie (ADHS-Medikamente).
Numerous challenges, including stigmatization at school, at work and in the community, are a recurring theme for those affected. We take these concerns and needs very seriously.
„Gibt es eine natürliche Therapie bei ADHS?“
What measures & therapies can help? Are there alternatives to psychostimulants?
These and many other questions occupy us. We are happy to give you well-founded answers.
YOUR concerns are important to us.
Thanks to continuous training, including a focus on causal treatment approaches, we are familiar with both the general study situation and that on micronutrient deficiencies and integrative therapy approaches for ADHD. Added to this is the many years of personal experience of the specialists as well as the know-how gained through the interprofessional exchange on site at Wise Medicine in Winterthur.
Tailor-made consultation and adapted therapies are our focus. We also do not forget the metabolism-centered & cause-oriented view. Interprofessional cooperation is a matter of concern to us.
IMPORTANT: We do not provide ADHD diagnosis or psychotropic drug therapy (ADHD medications).
Holistic therapy APPROACH
„Welcher Schritt passt für mich?“
Multi-layered looking and acting prove their worth (cf. puzzle pieces) - in professional circles one speaks of the multimodal approach.
ADHD offers
For this purpose, you can choose from various ADHD-specific offers at Wise Medicine. Children should have reached kindergarten age for this.
ADHD Coaching
As an ADHD sufferer, mastering personal challenges in everyday life, understanding oneself and one's actions better, discovering and implementing strategies... these are just some of the possible contents in ADHD coaching.
„Wo drückt der Schuh am meisten?“
YOU determine what the topic is in the sessions - as well as the frequency of your appointments and the total duration of the coaching process. Our targeted questions and feedback, new information & starting points as well as accompanying you in the implementation of your action steps promote the process.
Proven motto: "EVERY step in the desired direction - no matter how small - is an IMPORTANT step!"
Ihre Gegenüber ist Franziska Matile-Dörig
Vital substances (also micronutrients) for ADHD
Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und auch die bei ADHS-Betroffenen vor Ort gemessenen Blutwerte bezüglich Vitalstoff-Mängel sprechen eine deutliche Sprache. Erfahren Sie mehr über die immer wieder beobachteten Mikronährstoff-Defizite.
Das erworbene Wissen kann sofort in die Praxis umgesetzt werden, indem Sie mit der Einnahme der passenden Nahrungsergänzung starten. Gerne begleiten wir Sie dabei.
Your counterparts are: Franziska Matile-Dörig or Claudia Kaiser
individualisierte VITALSTOFF-Therapie (MIT Bluttest)
Sie möchten anhand spezifischer Laboruntersuchungen präzise wissen, wo Sie betreffend Vitalstoffversorgung aber auch Schilddrüsen-Funktion und Darmgesundheit stehen?
The results of the blood test will be explained to you and you will receive a personalized intake recommendation - taking into account the detailed medical history already taken at the initial appointment.
Wichtig ist, dass Sie für dieses Angebot gleich ZWEI Termine buchen (mit mindestens 2 Wochen Abstand).
Ihre Gegenüber sind: Claudia Kaiser oder Franziska Matile-Dörig
ADHD coaching with focus on nutrition
This offer focuses on the topic of "Nutrition with AD(H)S". After an analysis of your current nutritional situation, important principles of a balanced diet rich in vital substances are developed. This is followed by their implementation in everyday life - in the coaching you will be accompanied in a goal-oriented manner.
Your counterparts are: Franziska Matile-Dörig or Claudia Kaiser
Neurofeedback can be used to visualize the specific characteristics of brain waves in ADHD sufferers. In addition, computer-assisted training can be used to improve self-control and attention performance. Thanks to feedback of brain activity via sound and/or image, new networks can be established and trained in the brain. After careful anamnesis, those affected receive a tailor-made treatment that is always adapted to their progress. The effectiveness of therapy for ADHD has been scientifically proven (see our blog post).
Behavioral training integrated into the therapy also contributes to holistic support. Emotional blockages and traumas can also be addressed.
Your counterpart is: Gabriela Weik
It is not uncommon to observe a hormonal imbalance in ADHD patients. Our hormones have a decisive influence on energy and heat metabolism, but also on mood, for example! Thanks to measured values (saliva analysis) and adapted therapy with bioidentical hormones (transdermal, i.e. administered through the skin), a balance can be achieved. Children also benefit!
Your counterpart is: Ursula Grunder