Location: Winterthur


Franziska Matile-Dörig

  • Personal Health Coach mit Fokus auf Ernährung, Bewegung & mentale Gesundheit

  • ADHS-Coach icp für Kinder, Jugendliche & Erwachsene

  • Metabolic Balance Nutritionist

  • Referententätigkeit: ADHS & Ernährung

Languages: German/English/French

Welcome to Potential Development with Heart

Since my youth I have had an enormous curiosity and fascination for health topics in prevention and therapy. In my main education in physiotherapy MSc I was able to acquire basic and specialized knowledge about physical health. Since 2016 I work as a physiotherapist and support my clients in strengthening their physical health. Early on in my work I realized that nutrition and mental health are also crucial for improving personal quality of life and inner satisfaction. Therefore, in the last few years, I have increasingly educated myself in the areas of nutrition, mental health and ADHD and have been working in this area as a coach and consultant since the beginning of 2023. With the CAS in Personal Health Coaching, I have come full circle to holistic health consulting. I work with a systemic solution-oriented approach and focus on individual resources. It is very important to me to encourage people to believe in themselves and to use their own talents and resources in a targeted way in order to make life even more fulfilling and to be able to perceive it.

I look forward to guiding you with practical tips on the path to positive behavior change and more vitality.

Die grösste Grenze im Leben ist die, die du dir selber setzt.

What fascinates me about my work as a health and ADHD coach is recognizing the potential of my counterpart and accompanying people in recognizing their strengths and talents and bringing them to fruition in the here and now.

I work according to the basic idea: "You will not find outside what you lack inside".

My offer

You can choose from the following offers:

1. Personal Health Coaching mit Schwerpunkt Ernährung, Bewegung & mentale Gesundheit

Personal Health Coaching is just what you need if you want to focus on your physical and mental health and self-care, and seek positive long-term health behavioral changes.

According to your personal needs and desires, I support you in establishing a healthy, balanced diet and a healthy exercise behavior in your everyday life in the long term. Mental health is also an important pillar on your path to strong personal health. In the area of mental health, the focus is on self-care and healthy self-worth. Good self-care is central to our personal well-being and also enables us to be appreciative and positive towards others. I support and accompany you personally and resource-oriented, so that you become aware of your inner treasure and can live your desired life with enthusiasm and liveliness.  

Reasons for Personal Health Coaching:

  • Physical or mental illnesses that can be influenced by a healthy lifestyle

  • Successfully implement long-desired behavioral changes under one's own steam and establish them in everyday life in the long term

  • Overweight

  • Diabetes type 2

  • High blood pressure

  • Depressive moods, burn-on, burnout

  • ADHD

  • Menopausal complaints

  • Insomnia

  • Accompaniment before/during/after cancer treatment

  • Preventive promotion of healthy aging

I work in Personal Health Coaching according to the following principles:

  • Recognize nutrition, exercise, and mental health through stress regulation as a health-promoting resource.

  • Individual and resource-oriented, sustainable, solution-oriented & related to your current life situation.

  • Knowledge transfer

  • Work with scientifically based method for behavior change

  • Support for self-care and self-acceptance (self-esteem enhancement).

2. ADHD coaching

Kinder, Erwachsene und Jugendliche finden bei mir Unterstützung und Coaching für den alltäglichen Umgang mit ADHS sei es in der Schule, Ausbildung oder im Berufsalltag. Leiden Sie unter Prokrastination, Lernschwierigkeiten, mangelndem Selbstvertrauen oder Schwierigkeiten bei der emotionalen Selbstregulation?

I accompany and advise you personally and resource-oriented. Through coaching, you will be empowered and encouraged to bring about empowering behavioral changes with confidence and positive expectation.

I work according to the following principles in ADHD coaching:

  • Knowledge transfer

  • Building positive inner attitude and positive expectation.

  • Competence training: daily routine, goal setting, time management, self-motivation, emotion regulation, dealing with sensory overload, self-discipline, learning coaching and building individual relaxation skills

3. ADHD coaching combined with nutritional counseling.

Gerne berate ich Sie zum Thema Ernährung bei ADHS. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Analyse der aktuellen Ernährungssituation sowie der Erarbeitung von Grundsätzen einer vitalstoffreichen und blutzuckerregulierenden Ernährung sowie deren Umsetzung im Alltag. Zahlreiche Studien zeigen, dass Verhaltensprobleme bei Kindern oft mit Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten zusammenhängen. Diese können den Stoffwechsel und die Gehirnfunktion aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen. Die möglichen Folgen sind Hyperaktivität, Konzentrationsprobleme und andere Auffälligkeiten.

Gerne berate ich Sie zur Oligoantigenen Diät (Eliminationsdiät), wie eine gezielte Anpassung der Ernährung dazu beitragen kann, das Verhalten betroffener Kinder spürbar zu verbessern.

4. Ernährungsberatung nach der Metabolic-Balance-Methode

Do you suffer from metabolic syndrome with obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular disease, gout, disorders of the liver and gall bladder or do you suffer from inflammatory diseases or rheumatism?

With the change of diet with Metabolic Balance you eat healthy, strengthen your metabolism and gently regulate your weight. With a healthy metabolism, you raise your health and quality of life to a new level, so that you can be on your way through life with vitality and vigor. I will be happy to support you step by step to get closer to this goal.

Procedure of the Metabolic Balance consultations:

  1. Consultation: anamnesis and information. Your questions will be answered and the further procedure will be discussed.
    Blood collection and evaluation (in the internal Wisemed laboratory or at your family doctor). Based on this I will create your individual nutrition plan.

  2. Consultation: Together we discuss the nutrition plan and discuss the two preparation days and the changeover phase lasting at least 14 days.

  3. Consultation: discussion of the following relaxed conversion phase.

  4. Consultation: discussion of the maintenance phase after reaching the individual desired weight and the desired results for your health.

Continuation of counseling for further weight loss, support for maintaining new eating habits, or working through the issue of "emotional eating" is possible at any time.

You can find more information about the Metabolic Balance method here.

Entweder man glaubt, dass nichts ein Wunder ist oder man glaubt, dass alles ein Wunder ist.
- Albert Einstein

General info

I do not offer ADHD diagnosis.

In case of acute psychological complaints, please seek medical or psychological help.


Es werden 150.- pro 50 Minuten Beratungszeit berechnet. Ich bin beim EMR registriert (Methode 153: Personal Health Coaching). Ich empfehle Ihnen bei Ihrer Zusatzversicherung eine Kostengutsprache einzuholen, um die Kostenübernahme zu prüfen. Laborkosten werden von der Zusatzversicherung nicht übernommen.

Die Erstellung des Metabolic Balance Ernährungsplans kostet einmalig pauschal 250.-.

The claimed services will be invoiced. The term of payment is 2 weeks.


Appointments are made verbally or in writing.

Cancellation of appointments is required at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will be charged.


I am happy to support you on the path to positive behavioral changes and to recognize yourself and your body as wonders of this world. If you are willing to actively take steps towards change in your life, you have come to the right place. I look forward to hearing from you.

Wenn Sie ein Ziel erreichen möchten, das Sie noch nie erreicht haben, müssen Sie Dinge tun, die Sie noch nie getan haben.
- Unknown

Contact Franziska Matile-Dörig