New muscles with amino acids and training

Targeted amino acid supply through protein and strength training to maintain muscle mass in older people

The muscles are the organ that can store larger quantities of amino acids and also pass them on again. From the age of 50 onwards, muscle mass decreases by an average of 1 to 2% per year.

The term sarcopenia describes the general loss of muscle and the reduction of muscle strength. This results in functional restrictions in everyday life. Uncertainty of movement and danger of falling increase, the quality of life decreases and dependence on strangers increases. Muscular atrophy can also occur with overweight. The muscle is broken down and increasingly replaced by fatty tissue.


A tightrope walk in old age - How does sarcopenia develop?

Lack of exercise, even in younger years, continuously promotes muscle loss. If you rust, you express it directly. This means that protein synthesis in the muscle decreases, inactivity greatly reduces muscle growth and causes sarcopenia.

Changed eating habits in old age (hardly any hunger, small portions, unbalanced diet) make the supply of high-quality protein more difficult. However, the supply of protein in old age is of pioneering importance.

Muscle loss also occurs as a result of serious diseases.


Muscles need strain and protein

The muscle needs protein, 1.0 to 1.3 g / kg body weight in people over 65 years of age. Muscle loss must be stopped with regular strength training and an appropriate amount of protein intake. When feeding protein, care must be taken to ensure a high biological value. The branched-chain amino acid leucine is particularly important in this area. It can prevent the breakdown of protein, also reduces muscle breakdown and stimulates muscle synthesis.


My guess:

  • Eat a portion of protein with each meal and supplement with additional amino acids: E.g. with Amino Vida by kingnature: It contains all 8 essential amino acids plus the non-essential amino acid L-Arginine in an optimal amino acid pattern for the body. Each pellet contains 500 mg of amino acids derived from legumes of natural origin. It is free of any additives, is well absorbed by the body and is quickly available to the muscles. Depending on the situation, the body needs about 5g of amino acids per day.

  • Start with an exercise programme and strength training as early as possible

  • Have the total protein / amino acid profile in the blood measured

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Claudia Kaiser