Today, top athletes and competitive athletes have to go to the limit in order to be successful. In the process, the body is exposed to enormous stresses. If the body is not adequately cared for, firstly, top performance cannot be achieved and secondly, the risk of injury or illness increases.
We have found, and this is confirmed by extensive studies by the sports scientist Prof. Dr. Elmar Wienecke from Germany, that top athletes and competitive athletes - just like top managers - have glaring micronutrient deficiencies. With a comprehensive check-up and holistic therapy suggestions derived from it, these deficiencies can be counteracted in a very targeted way. In this way, athletes live up to their full potential and can ultimately make the famous difference.
„Eine gezielte Mikronährstoffversorgung ist heute, um Spitzenleistungen erbringen zu können, auch bei ganz bewusster Ernährung, nicht mehr ein Nice-to-have, sondern ein Must-have!“
Detailed intake interview
In a one-hour medical history discussion, our medical experts talk in detail with the athletes and together they determine their physical weaknesses and deficits. On this basis, we define which of the three available packages (bronze, silver, gold) makes the most sense and is also financially viable. It is also determined whether specific additional examinations by specialists make sense (e.g. comprehensive cardiovascular examination by a cardiologist).
3 packages for holistic check-ups
Basic laboratory; omega-3 index; Panda test (to analyse intestinal health); whole blood analysis; pre- and post-discussion (one hour each).
CHF 1'200
Basic laboratory; omega-3 index; Panda test (to analyse intestinal health); whole blood analysis; dark field microscopy; vitamins; antioxidants; hormones (saliva test); pre- and debriefing (one hour each).
CHF 2'125
Basic laboratory; omega-3 index; Panda test (to analyse intestinal health); whole blood analysis; dark field microscopy; vitamins (extended); antioxidants; hormones (saliva test); amino acid profile; fatty acid profile; Bioenergetic Health Index (BHI); pre- and debriefing (one hour each).
CHF 3'280
State-of-the-art analysis tools
Following the intake interview, our medical practice assistants immediately carry out the appropriate tests (blood sampling, etc.). The majority of these tests are evaluated externally in Switzerland and abroad, which is why it takes a good two weeks until all the values are available. The most modern analysis tools are used, which go beyond what is usually offered in classical orthodox medicine.
„Ich bin begeistert davon, wie viele neue Informationen ich mit einer so einfachen und schnellen Untersuchung über meine Körperwerte erfahren habe. Es ist für mich als Sportlerin sehr wichtig zu wissen, wo Mängel bestehen, damit diese behoben werden können und ich so meine besten Leistungen abrufen kann.“
Joint planning for targeted performance optimisation
In a one-hour follow-up meeting, the results are discussed in detail. It is defined in which areas there are deficiencies and how these can best and most efficiently be remedied. Our experts work out a plan with the athletes and make recommendations for the intake of suitable herbal vital substances as well as therapy options. A large part of the therapies in question can subsequently be taken up at Wise Medicine (e.g. IHHT cell training).
Competence pool of qualified specialists
The head physician of Wise Medicine, Heinz Lüscher, MD, can count on a growing team of competent professionals in his work for athletes, who not only have a medical background, but also a great deal of experience from the world of sport.
If you have any questions about sports expertise, Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher will be happy to help you at Wise Medicine in Winterthur.
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call Wise Medicine in Winterthur: +41 44 545 29 10