Location: Winterthur

Florian Lauinger, MD

general practitioner, FMH

Languages: German/English


Florian Lauinger, MD, studied in Berlin and Hamburg and practiced both in Germany and Switzerland. His stations included the Paracelsus Clinic Lustmühle and the biological day clinic of Dr. Rupp in Herisau. Dr. Lauinger, like all doctors and therapists at Wise Medicine, follows a holistic approach and skillfully reconciles conventional and complementary medicine.

Jede Krise oder Erkrankung birgt in sich die Chance, einen ewigen Entwicklungsschritt zu gewinnen. Mit ganzem Herzen begleite ich Sie gerne dabei, diese Gelegenheit zu nutzen.

VIDEOS WITH Florian Lauinger

Florian Lauinger, MD, is a regular contributor to the Vital Substance Medicine channel on YouTube. Here is a selection of his most important videos.